Hooked on fishing memories

With the lake beckoning as soon as we awoke, we suited up, slathered some Skippy on slightly stale slices of wheat bread, wrapped some fat wedges of freshly made brownies in waxed paper, filled a Thermos with lemonade and ice, and grabbed our fishing poles and tackle boxes. Before anyone else in the house rose, we were down at the water, munching our picnic fare and hoping for a fast, fat catch. But time never really mattered there. We spent hours at the water, alternating between fishing, swimming, and reading comic books in the blazing sun. We occasionally applied Coppertone 8, never caring if we burned, as we’d get to cool down later with homemade ice cream sandwiches, frozen grapes, and a thick layer of Noxzema, gently yet liberally rubbed upon hot skin.
This creative piece was shared by our friend Tiffany from Easthampton, Massachusetts. She and her family built summertime fishing memories on Lake Sunapee and Little Lake Sunapee in New Hampshire. Tiffany attended Skidmore College with Matthew and we're happy that she decided to share her skills as a creative writer with us at Lake Life Brand. In addition to being a comma connoisseur, Tiff is a web content writer, Social Media Maven...and we know she's a great dancer.
Got a fishing story or lake memory you want to tell? Send it to matthew@lakelifebrand.com and you could be featured in our next newsletter.
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