Our Story - Part 1: Built on Lake Love

This post is modified from the original submission on January 9, 2017 - titled Call of the Water!
Everyone has a favorite place. The clear winner for me used to the Bank Street beach in Harwichport, Cape Cod. I remember how long and arduous the short trek past beach roses and hydrangea felt when carrying beach chairs and coolers to and from my uncle's home - less than a mile away. We built memories with three generations together on that beach. Walking the jetty, digging for sand crabs, burying one another, napping, playing, growing up together.
Although I still need my fix of the salty ocean waves and body surfing, I've also found a new love of life on the lake! It's hard to blame me, really -- having married a lake girl from Moultonborough, New Hampshire, the call was unavoidable. She was lucky enough to grow up at the water's edge and has her own abundance of stories before we began to create them together. We were married, under a traditional canopy made from wedding veils our mothers wore at their weddings. In the back yard of her childhood home, there were different sights and sounds that filled the air.
The joy and laughter of children jumping off a shared dock in the background, dragonflies flitting above our heads with a different three (or four or five) generations of our friends and family along for the ride. A true appreciation of life in and around the lake has continued to develop over the last 20+ years. Lake life draws from all of our stories of living, working, and playing in and around the water of NH and beyond.
The threads that tie us together personally and professionally are what I find most engaging about living and building a business here. Those connections are where I find myself thriving! Frankly, that's where I find all of us thriving! I love building relationships with customers, makers, and businesses that promote and support one another. There are so many people willing to draw connections, help one another out, provide feedback, and show interest in collaborating on new product designs. I have learned so much from others and doing well together puts us all in a better place.
This is a community built on #lakelove and I am excited to make it together. Please join our community and consider joining us @mylifeonthelake on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Tell us about your love of life on the water. Send your thoughts, photos, videos, or stories to Matthew@lakelifebrand.com
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